
Statistics Day Celebration

Statistics Day Celebration

Title of the Programme : Statistics Day Celebration
Name of the Coordinator/s : Dr. Geena Joy
Organizing Department/Cell : Mathematics Department
Date and Duration : 03-07-2023 & 3 hrs.
Number of Participants : 46
Resource Person/s : Ms. Swathy K N, Professor, Mathematics Department, U C College, Aluva.

Ms. Gargi Rajan, III BSc   Mathematics student, U. C.  College, Aluva

Objective of the Programme : To make aware of the students about the importance of the subject statistics in the society.
Detailed description of the event :

The event was conducted as two programs. One as an interdepartmental statistics quiz were 23 teams consisting of two students participated in the preliminary round. The first prize was bagged by the pg. students of mathematics department, Ms. Anagha K and Ms. Manju Ramachandran and the second prize was bagged by final year ug. Students, Mr. Niranjan. K. Damodar and Ms. Archa P. S.  During the next session a presentation about data collection was done by the third-year student of our department, Ms. Gargi Rajan.

Outcome of the event/Evaluation by programme coordinator :

Students became more conscious and aware about the different aspects and possibilities of the subject. Also, they could acquire more knowledge about some important topics of the subject.

Feedback from students, faculty and other stakeholders : Both the programs helped the students to know more about the subject and the importance of the subject.

Report: Statistics-day-Report.pdf (715 downloads )

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